2024 marks the 50th anniversary of Zaanstad Municipality, a merger of seven smaller municipalities. Babel Zaans Architecture Platform celebrates this birthday and reflects upon the city of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

I am grateful to support Babel in challenging students and (young) professionals to envision Zaanstad over 50 years in a one-day workshop, and to better understand today’s urgencies, and challenges in relation to urban development.

Join this workshop on Saturday September 14, from 11-17hrs!

We will meet on the creative HEM brug area, famous from the past Big Art fairs and where ZAMU, one of the largest Dutch museums will be opened soon. Babel has invited top notch inspiration speakers to inspire this unique workshop: Wouter Pocornie of Bijlmer Believers 3.0, Kristian Koreman – ZUS [Zones Urbaines Sensibles] and Ton VenhoevenVenhoevenCS

Location: Affuitenhal 1, 2nd floor at the Hembrugterrein (Building Magazijn 14) in Zaandam. Participation is free. Limited spots are available, so please register via: https://www.stichting-babel.nl/agenda/workshop-ontwerp-de-toekomst-van-zaanstad-in-een-dag

The results will be presented during the Babel Festival on October 5th, 2024.

Image: Urhahn | stedenbouw en strategie