A strong business model and the right strategy ensures prosperity, but also continuity and innovation by mutual exchange. Those who know their strengths and unique selling points are able to contribute values to society and make a real difference: ecologically, economically and socially; in their home market or abroad.
What is your goal, your ideal and your purpose? Do other people know? What are the aspects of your talent and career that you should develop? I am taking expertise from business development and export management to advice on markets, potential partners and clients, an how to reach out to them. Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend (RVO) listed me as an expert for international trade (SIB).
As a program manager at the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects BNA I adviced the sector and collaborated within the Architects Council of Europe. For economic missions I head delegations, in collaboration with ministries, foreign partners and the diplomatic network. Find out more on www.bna-international.nl en www.dutcharchitects.org.