Wonderful workshop session in January 2025 with multidisciplinary group members including Catharina Vaendel (presenting the results). In this pressure cooker organized by Amsterdam Green Campus we came up with a proposal for a connection of the Amstelcampus of Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences across Wibautstraat. A modular wooden trellis spanning the boulevard a as a habitat for many species. Also, it  increases quality of live for humas with extra shade, fine dust absorption and noise reduction. Elevated paths enable the students to criss cross there campus in the greens while clearly marking the entrance of the Amsterdam city centre. Why not just do it?

Thanks for the inspiring lectures by Maike van Stiphout, Gideon Spanjar, Heidi Kamerling en De Onkruideniers organized by Roos van Manen and her colleagues. Photographs by Simon Pasveer