Hello there!
Let’s start and share some stuff about myself. I am a pragmatic optimist. And my passion is the future of our cities. I approach cities as a complex (eco)system. Therefore, I like work on the sweet spot: at the connections in the system. From there I try to build bridges.
How did I come to do this? After studying architecture in Vienna and Delft, I built up experience in design, strategy and sustainability. I work interdisciplinary and rely upon an international network. Economic, ecologic and social values are central aspects of my work (Brundtland introduced those as key in the 80ies). There are 3 topics that I try to focus upon: Spatial Solutions, Sustainability and Strategy.
What do I do? Currently I work as a Strategic Advisor Urban Development to Zaanstad Municipality (rapidly growing to 200.000 inhabitants). There I co-authored the Spatial Vision upon 2040 (Omgevingsvisie) and they asked me to become their City Architect (Stadsbouwmeester). In ZNSTD I co-founded the ‘Program for the Knowledge of Space’where we organize monthly lectures, master classes and case studies. On the side I advise on nature-inclusive design at Utrecht Province. And yes, already 10 years ago (!) I co-founded, a platform for quality of life in the city for all species.
Maybe it’s cool to know for young talents that at the Royal Institute of Dutch Architects (BNA) and together with developer Synchroon I set up a career accelerator program, Althoug I left long ago, this is still up and running, check it out!
Part of building bridges is mutual inspiration and teaching. t’s inspiring to develop talent and teach. I am teaching at the Academy of Architecture in Amsterdam. Next to the Academy I am teaching at the University of Applied Sciences and University of Amsterdam (HvA) and I have been teaching at Amsterdam University (UvA) and also Delft University of Technology.
Do you want to connect? Just DM me on insta, or LinkedIn or email me via info(at)mathiaslehner(dot)nl!
I believe in sharing knowledge and mutual inspiration, so let’s get in touch exchange views and find our mutual interest!